The big day has finally arrived! This morning was the Central Park Challenge 3K Walk to benefit YAI Network's!
My team was up bright and early to get to Central Park for the walk. Nothing like a 6 AM wakeup call, eh? Walking for my team was my gorgeous mother, my wonderful friend Dan, and introducing...(drum roll please)...Miss Southern New York's Princess, Maddie!!! I was so excited to take my princess with me for this event and show her how easy it is for one person to make a difference. Maddie knows that, though; she is a bright, loving girl who sees the best in everyone around her. We had a ton of fun getting ready for the race, even making sand art at the kids booth before joining the 12,000 other runners and walkers for the main event. It was an arguably perfect day for a walk. Yes, she shook her sand art up by the end. That's half the point!
As I had mentioned before, my team walked in honor of all those who have been bullied for their disabilities. I walked for my brother and sister, both of whom grew up with disabilities and learned to stand strong in the face of unnecessary ridicule. It is with deep, overwhelming pride that I let you know that Kaitlin's Bully Busters raised a total of $845 for YAI Networks in just two and a half weeks! I am wildly grateful to all those who participated with me by making a donation!! You are each making a strong impact in so many lives and proving your commitment to a bully free world.
Seriously, one person can make a difference. I signed up for a walk and offered people a chance to make a difference, and $845 later that difference was surely made.
Be a catalyst in your own world.

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