Since Saturday night when the crown hit my head I have been at a loss for words. I am beside myself with honor at the opportunity I have been given. From the moment I realized that I was the last one standing, all I could think was that the clock starts now. I have one year to accomplish everything I have wanted to do under a crown. And so, we are off.

I may never find words strong enough to express my gratitude to the other beautiful women who took this journey with me last week. This was the most competitive pageant I have done, but in a fabulous way; each of us had a personal, passionate, and driven reason to be there. Each of us brought something valuable to the crown and I am so inspired by each of you! I am walking away from this not just with the wonderful opportunity to be Miss New York, but with amazing friendships. I know, I know, it sounds cliche, but it's totally true; I was surrounded by powerful, beautiful, effective women who I can respect. How blessed am I for such an experience. It is my personal charge to use my title to enrich each of your work this year. As local title holders, you have the opportunity to work more intimately with your communities and that is where deep change can happen. Anything I can do to assist you this year, I pray that you will reach out to me! I am at your service, and so incredibly in awe of each of you.
Oh man, I need to keep this short because I feel like I could gush my gratitude for hours.
No one believed in me more than my mother. She hand crafted every beautiful appearance dress I wore during the week. She sat for hours with me stitching up my competition wardrobe. She was the only face I could see in the crowd as the crown went on. I work every day to make her proud and to give back even a fraction of what she has given me; not only in gorgeous clothes and a constant helping hand, but in deep love and her constant insistence that this was possible. She is the one who, when I was 16 years old, told me I could fly. There is nothing easy about living on your own since 16, but somehow it never seemed hard because all along, she was there telling me I could do this. A beautiful voice never letting me cave, she is the most powerful person I know. We made it, Mommy.

My platform is Breaking Down Bullying, and already I have been approached by so many people sharing their stories and getting excited about my work ahead. Your stories ignite the passion in me; no one has the right to impede on anyone else’s ability to find happiness. My brother, Peter, grew up with Landau Kleffner Syndrome. I have seen his spirit almost completely broken at times because of ridicule and teasing from those who did not understand him. My sister, Virginia, is severely dyslexic. One of her professors in college was so ignorant to her disability, telling her she couldn't understand anything because she couldn't read, that she dropped her second major in her final semester because of one class left for which he was the instructor. He had no right to make her feel inferior. When I was cyber bullied in middle school I locked myself in a bathroom and told I mom I was going to burn my face off, because I thought it would make people stop being mean. How another person can sit there and ruin another persons life intentionally is simply beyond me. Just because someone is different does not mean they are wrong. No friend, peer, significant other, employer, teacher, or family member has the right to keep you from being as happy as you choose to be. There is room for every lifestyle, every choice, and every individual. Many of you may have heard that the New York State Senate just passed new legislation on bullying and cyber bullying. I have already been asked by several students I have met to come to their schools and talk about bullying. There is a wonderful energy behind this issue, and great change is happening! Young or old, we all have a place in making this better. Like I said on stage, if communities stand behind one another, the bully will have no place in this world. New York, we are one of the most progressive states in this country. Let's become the model of a bully and abuse free world.
During the week before the pageant, Claire Buffie told us she had made a list of everything she wanted to accomplish under the crown. She suggested we do the same. That night, I made my list. Yes, I definitely should have been sleeping, but I stayed up thinking about the year I would want to have. Since Saturday night the list has exploded. Not only with my own aspirations, but now laced with the wishes of others who have approached me. New York, you are my muse. From New York City to my home in Rochester and my friends out West, to my academic stomping ground in Potsdam and all the areas up North. The clock is ticking, but I am hitting the ground running for you. This year has nothing to do with me. It is about all the people and organizations who are making this world better that I can support. I am a key, and I have a year to unlock as many doors as possible for those who continue to make our communities better every day.
So hello, world. Let's get started.
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