Saturday, June 4, 2011

Women's Empowerment Conference

After this morning's 3K Run, I jumped a train downtown to the Helen Mills Theater where I served as emcee for the Women's Empowerment Conference.

The conference was part of a weekend-long series of fundraiser events for A Young Mother's D.R.E.A.M. They are a non-profit whose mission is to assist young/teen moms in completing their education through one on one mentoring, motivating them to become accomplished while instilling determination, resilience, and excellence as core values.

I am thrilled to have gotten involved with A Young Mother's D.R.E.A.M! Being pregnant in your teens or early twenties is an incredibly difficult situation. You are entering a new world of responsibility to which many of your peers will not be able to relate. By helping young women find the tools and skills they need to become successful mothers, they are in turn enabling these ladies to stand up against the bullying and criticism so many of them face. Being a young mother does not mean that you are any less capable of success, or that you have to sacrifice your personal goals or dreams. I was excited to be part of what I feel was a celebration of ambition!

The speakers, who I had the pleasure to introduce, were Lucinda Cross (author of Corporate Mom Drop Outs,) Sonna Hasset (founder of All So Sweet,) Robin Ransom (CEO of her own career consulting firm,) Tiffany Aliche ("The Budgetnista") and Sharon Smith-Sullivan (representative with Primerica.)

Each speaker shared a tremendous amount of information on everything from personal finance to business networking. I could not take notes fast enough! I must also make mention of the vendors at the event, who had some fantastic wares to share; from health drinks, to jewelry, to affirmation mirrors. I will admit...the mirrors were my favorite. Hand made by a 14 and 12 year old sister and brother, they are covered in positive messages and images to inspire you every time you take a peek. I was so impressed with the professionalism and thoughtfulness of these budding young entrepreneurs!

A huge thank you to event organizer Geneva Farrow for letting me take part! I took so much away from today and am thrilled to be involved with such an important cause!!

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