One of the hardest parts of being a bully victim is reaching out for help. It can be embarrassing to admit you have found yourself in this kind of a situation. With my brother, Peter, we would often find out months later of instances where he was ridiculed or got his feelings hurt. By then, the damage was certainly done and deep, and the added shame and secrecy made things worse. For many children, making a phone call to a hotline without their parents knowing can be tricky; they may not have access to a phone without having to tell their parents what is going on, and often they are not ready for that conversation. STOMP Out Bullying is making an incredibly progressive move by providing vital resources by way of the web.
You can read all the details and learn more about how to support STOP Out Bullying. I hope you will also share their website with any youth or teens you know, because even if you do not think they are being victimized by a bully, you never know. Do your part in your community by spreading this resource. It's a step in a wonderful direction.
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