Fleet Week is all about the ships coming in, full of excited Marines and Sailors. This year, I got to be among them!
After my event this morning, I boarded a CH-53 and took off into the Atlantic Ocean. 45 minutes later we landed on the flight deck of the USS Iwo Jima. We were there to perform, celebrate, and had the tremendous privilege of spending the night on board!
The helicopter ride was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Let me preface by saying I am terrified of helicopters. But why better to take me in these dangerous machines than our Military! Our flight was about 45 minutes and such a blast. We couldn't hear because of the roar, but we were all smiles as we watched the Statue of Liberty disappear in the distance out the back hatch (which remained open the whole flight. Incredible!)
That night, the USO Liberty Bells performed on board the USS Iwo Jima. This is the part for which I have waited two and a half years since signing up as a USO Liberty Bell. We entered the hanger bay and were met by hundreds of cheering Marines and Sailors, ready to celebrate their wonderful work for our country. After our show, a dance party broke out. The ensuing dance-off was won by none other than the Master Chief! We spent hours laughing, singing, dancing, and playing in a room full of the bravest, strongest, most honorable young men in the world. I had to be pulled off the dance floor by our boss because the other Bells were ready for bed. I wanted to stay all night!
Thank you to the fantastic crew of the USS Iwo Jima for your tremendous hospitality on board the ship. It was unforgettable.

A Special Note: The young marine who was killed when hit by a car the following morning was one of the men from the Iwo Jima, and possibly pictured above. Please send your thoughts and prayers to his family and to the crew of the Iwo Jima for their loss.
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