Young and old, big and small, from near and far we gathered to dance for bullying awareness. A group of Rochester and area residents came together for a flash dance mob to Blue October's song "Jump Rope" off the new album All About Bullies, Big and Small as part of PACER Center's Bullying Prevention Month.
Lead by dancers from Roc City Diamonds and organized by Water Street Music Hall and Roc Stars Against Bullying, the video of today's performance will be put online and submitted as a community project to PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center in honor of Bullying Prevention Month, which is October.

Blue October's lead singer Justin Furstenfeld came to give his support. As we spoke with reporters I learned that he wrote this song for his daughter and how excited has was to see it being used in today's event. He was quite the compassionate rock and roller. So, how excited am I about an entire album of songs devoted to guiding kids through the struggles of bullying using the emotional power of music? Come on, this is pretty brilliant. What a stunning addition to our cultural anti-bullying toolbox and what a responsible use of talent by the over 30 artists who contributed to this album. Music presents an opportunity to handle emotions in an abstract way, and even before kids realize what they are doing they will be learning language and techniques that will help them socially as they grow.
I can't wait to see the video of the final dance. I can't wait to get my copy of All About Bullies, Big and Small. Grab a copy for, dare I say, the perfect holiday gift for a little loved one?
Thanks to all the friends who danced today and the entire crew that came out to dance!!
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