Monday, October 17, 2011

Monroe County START Program

Thank you to the students at the Monroe 1 BOCES START Program who sat down with me today to discuss bullying and "drama" in schools. In an open round-table discussion we talked about problems and came up with solutions and ideas on how individuals can came a difference.

I was particularly impressed by several students who owned up to having participated in drama before, and discussed how they want to turn things around and bring better energy to their school. It takes a lot of courage to admit when you have hurt someone, and the fact that these students were able to asses their behavior so effectively speaks to their abilities to understand and master this issue. I look forward to hearing good things from them in the future!

One student stopped me during our discussion and said that she wishes all celebrities would help young people learn how to improve. I smiled, excited to hear her discovering the value of giving back. I told her that whether you are a famous celebrity or the top in your math class, everyone has some level of power to give something to others. Help a friend with their homework, invite a new student to spend time with your doesn't take fame or fortune to do what I do. Everyone can be Miss New York. Everyone can build a life story worthy of a crown.

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