Over 500 volunteers were met by cheers and applause as we flooded the gym to begin shopping. The first day of the sale is always reserved for those who participated in organizing and setting up the event, but the public will be welcomed in starting tomorrow and will be able to shop until the sale ends on Saturday.
Like I've said before, I have been involved in Super Sale since childhood. The sale itself is coming up on 50 years. This event starts with the generosity of community members who donate goods, continues with the volunteer support of hundreds and an entire community of shoppers, and ends with all remaining goods being delivered to local charities. In fact, before the sale opened the organization had already donated several truck loads of excess goods. Every dollar raised goes towards programs and enrichment for the students in Pittsford School District. This event is for the people and by the people. Most important of all, the sense of community pride that this event generates is intoxicating.

I ran into so many former teachers and friends, including my engineering teacher, Mr. Banister. Mr. Banister taught me when I was a wee little eighth grader who, having finished all the engineering curriculum available to me in my middle school, insisted that the district bus me to the high school each afternoon so I could take more engineering classes. He helped me get my first college credits that year. He knows me as the puny little girl who designed a perfectly calculated tire rim for a Volkswagen Beetle featuring spokes shaped like ice cream cones...don't laugh, it met all the specifications! I was the only girl in my class so I had to act accordingly. Mr. Banister is still teaching, but now has three little ones at home and will be teaching at the university level for the summers. As we talked about my work this year he noted that the way I speak about working with students made me sound like a teacher. Interesting, I had noticed that also. How cool to be the "Mr. Banister" for someone someday. Great to see you, Mr. B!
Congratulations to the Super Sale team! Wish you all the best this week! For all my friends in the Rochester area, don't miss this event. There's even an entire section of just Abercrombie & Fitch and Vera Bradley. Happy hunting, and thank you in advance for supporting the Pittsford schools!!
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