Monday, October 31, 2011
Trick or Treat!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011
Tiro A Segno Gives $2,400 To Children's Miracle Network

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Physicians and Friends Children's Miracle Network Gala

Escorted by dear friend and brilliant director of the Miss Thousand Islands Program Shelby Cohen, I dined with guests from the Elmira community as we watched doctors dance the tango and staff perform everything from violin solos to an Abba tribute set (wigs, sequined body suits, boas..the whole shabang.) What an opportunity to meet your local medical professionals, right? People who are already so skilled at their work got a chance to show off their hidden talents, and can you imagine going in for surgery and recognizing your doctor from his piano solo?
Meanwhile, silent auctions helped raised funds for the hospital's coming year. Everyone showed incredible support.

Arnot Ogden Medical Center

My heart is in Ohio...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Speaking with Students at Greece Odyssey

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Pittsford Super Sale

Over 500 volunteers were met by cheers and applause as we flooded the gym to begin shopping. The first day of the sale is always reserved for those who participated in organizing and setting up the event, but the public will be welcomed in starting tomorrow and will be able to shop until the sale ends on Saturday.
Like I've said before, I have been involved in Super Sale since childhood. The sale itself is coming up on 50 years. This event starts with the generosity of community members who donate goods, continues with the volunteer support of hundreds and an entire community of shoppers, and ends with all remaining goods being delivered to local charities. In fact, before the sale opened the organization had already donated several truck loads of excess goods. Every dollar raised goes towards programs and enrichment for the students in Pittsford School District. This event is for the people and by the people. Most important of all, the sense of community pride that this event generates is intoxicating.

I ran into so many former teachers and friends, including my engineering teacher, Mr. Banister. Mr. Banister taught me when I was a wee little eighth grader who, having finished all the engineering curriculum available to me in my middle school, insisted that the district bus me to the high school each afternoon so I could take more engineering classes. He helped me get my first college credits that year. He knows me as the puny little girl who designed a perfectly calculated tire rim for a Volkswagen Beetle featuring spokes shaped like ice cream cones...don't laugh, it met all the specifications! I was the only girl in my class so I had to act accordingly. Mr. Banister is still teaching, but now has three little ones at home and will be teaching at the university level for the summers. As we talked about my work this year he noted that the way I speak about working with students made me sound like a teacher. Interesting, I had noticed that also. How cool to be the "Mr. Banister" for someone someday. Great to see you, Mr. B!
Congratulations to the Super Sale team! Wish you all the best this week! For all my friends in the Rochester area, don't miss this event. There's even an entire section of just Abercrombie & Fitch and Vera Bradley. Happy hunting, and thank you in advance for supporting the Pittsford schools!!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Teaching My Princess About Community Service

The Miss New York Organization has a program called the Star Princesses. Here is the concept: as a titleholder or in any position or success as a woman, there is somewhere a little set of eyes watching your every move. From the color of your toenails to the way you greet people, they take everything in. So turn around, give them your hand and welcome them to take the journey with you. Maddie started out this journey with me the day I started towards the Miss New York title. She helped me pick my dresses, walked me across stage, and will be cheering me on in Vegas come January. I watched Maddie grow up and am glad to have a chance to show her how "beauty" can be about much, much more than physical image.

Saturday, October 22, 2011
Congratuliatons, Mrs. New York
Friday, October 21, 2011
Keynote Speaker at Beauty Queens Forever Foundation Launch Gala

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Red Carpet at Hard Rock for "Unite In The Fight"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Recess In Manhattan

Lauren Gabrielson Trunk Show

Monday, October 17, 2011
New York Women in Administration Conference

University of Rochester Transitions Program
Monroe County START Program
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Celebrity Judge for The Funniest Person in Rochester

Rochester Flash Dance Mob for Bullying Awareness

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Art of Fashion Runway Show for H20 Couture

Friday, October 14, 2011
Picking Brains with Ed Knaak

There is one thing that was clear throughout our talk: since students are forced to be in school 8 hours a day during years when they are trying to discover and understand themselves and the world, schools need (and according to all I have spoken with, want) to help students learn and practice life skills.
Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks

A Rochester Radio Morning

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Coming Up: Bullying Awarness Event in NYC

Senator Klein and I Proudly Present: New York Cyberbully Census!

This morning I was invited to join a press conference with Senator Klein to announce the launch of the New York Cyberbully Census program.