I should we writing my Miss America experience update, but something far more important must come first.
This week while I was away our nation lost another life to the hands of bullying, but this was not a typical victim. Almost a year after his 14 year old son Kameron committed suicide from bullying, father Kevin Jacobsen took his own life. After becoming a major advocate in the fight against bullying and even speaking in front of congress so passionately that he brought the crowd to their feet, the pain of losing his son had been eating at him every day until he just could not go on. He leaves behind a wife and children.

The bullies who tormented Kameron to death have now further destroyed this family. This story is just horrifying proof of how bullying is bigger than schoolroom teasing. This epidemic is ripping families and communities apart.
My request: Please...get out your cell phone, Facebook, Twitter, or just stand up and walk over to someone nearby...and give someone your love right this second. As we saw with Kevin, we cannot know the pain someone carries no matter how OK they look on the outside. We all hurt. Some just have a strong poker face. Do not assess whether someone is worthy of your love, chose that you are too tired or self aware to share your love, or worst of all decide that because they look confident and strong that they need to be pulled down into their place. Touch someone today and help them heal. There is no such thing as giving too much, as we have an endless supply to give and exist for that very reason.
My thoughts are with the Jacobsen family and I hope you will all consider giving your support to them as they deal with this devastating loss.
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