Thursday, July 28, 2011

South Shore Rotary

Just finished up lunch with the South Shore Rotary on Staten Island. It was great to go back to the place where my journey began, and to personally thank some of the people who were such key players in making Staten Island the home of the Miss New York Pageant.

I want to thank today's speaker, Jamie DePasquale, Director of Development for Special Olympics New York. Thank you for giving your afternoon to inform us about the work being done through your organization. My family experience helped me learn from an early age how important programs like this can be for not just those living with disabilities, but entire communities. I must further thank Special Olympic Athlete Luis Lopez for sharing the story of his 40 year journey with the organization. He got involved at age 6, when he had no parents and was living in a group home. He is now a multi-sport athlete and major voice for the organization. He even met his bride-to-be, a multiple gold metal winner at the International games, through Special Olympics (congratulations, Lisa!!) His attitude is enviable. At one point he explained how his disability may be a weakness, but it is outweighed by the skills and strengths he has discovered and developed in himself. He does not let the lack of an ability define him. Would not every man benefit from a dose of this perspective? Like I always said about my siblings, their disabilities are scratches on the surface of a much bigger person inside.

Big thanks to the South Shore Rotary for welcoming me as a guest, and to Jamie and Luis for speaking so beautifully about your work... I look forward to getting involved!!

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