Runners came through in every sort of state; from giddily squealing their praises of the Big Apple to silently dragging themselves forward in a seemingly whirling sense of bewilderment at what they had just accomplished. No matter their state, I ran over to each and wrapped my arms around them in a complete disregard for the buckets of sweat I was absorbing. I slipped a medal over their head and got to spend a moment chatting before they were swept away by volunteers. By the time the main group was coming through I was throwing up high fives and snapping pictures left and right.
At one point a runner pointed to me across the crowd and shouted, "Pittsford!!" I screamed back, "WOO!" before realizing how crazy that was. How did he know where I was from? I tweeted about it and received a reply from him saying that I had taken a picture with his daughter this summer at my first ever appearance. Even in the middle of New York City the world can be small.
The volunteer beside me turned to me at one point and said, "Every river contributes to the grandeur of the ocean." If each runner today is a river, then their accomplishment today serves as proof of their powerful ability to contribute to the ocean we call society. If they can master their physical and mental self for this, then imagine what else they can do. Congratulations to all of the participants for their incredible work!! Thank you to the NYC Road Runners for letting me take part!
If I find pictures I will throw them up here, but unfortunately I was focused on the runners and unable to snap shots during the event. Keep tuned for photos!
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