We've made the petition, now it's your turn.
Sign the petition to bring Cyberbullying legislation to Albany.
The death of New York teen Jamey Rodemeyer has left the nation in outrage. We can turn this pain into progress. Currently, there are no laws in New York protecting children, teens, and families from online attacks by their peers. Just as libel and slander are laws created to protect us from the abuse of freedom of speech, we must create similar legislation to protect young internet users from the potentially lethal and abusive power of the internet.
Social media and digital communication technology grows every day. We must keep up with the proper legal tools to protect the health and well being of young users.
What happened to Jamey is EXACTLY what my platform is fighting to prevent. No one has the right to impede on anyone else's ability to be happy. Happiness is your own journey. The loss of Jamey is a grave reminder of the potentially dangerous nature of the internet, and yet we cannot deny its permanent and significant place in our present and future culture. We can't stop it, but we can help.
The link to the petition: www.tinyurl.com/jameyslawny
Post it on Facebook. Tweet it with the hashtag #makealawforjamey. Email it to your friends, co-workers, classmates, family...
Let your voice be heard. Join the movement, sign and share the petition today.